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Save the Date! Spring Assessments

Good afternoon! Please save the dates! We will be participating in our student spring assessments in grades 3-8 on March 28- April 8, 2022! All students in grades 3-8 will be administered the IAR math and reading tests. Students in grades 5 and 8 will also take the state science assessment. There are two letters from ISBE attached explaining the testing.

How does this affect your family? Well, first, there will be very little homework because of the focus on testing. Instead, you can partner with us for success by ensuring that your child gets ample rest each night and begins the day with a good breakfast. You may send healthy snacks with your child to eat between the tests. You can also send quiet activities for your child to do if they finish early. The students will not be allowed to use their chromebook or any other device between tests, so please do not send any electronic devices.

We ask for your help in preparing your child for the testing. I am proud of the work the students and teachers have done this year, and we hope to show that with great scores! These student scores are used to rate our entire district on the state's school report card. Please talk to your child about doing their very best on these assessments. Go Dimmick!

As always, thank you for partnering with us in educating your child! If you have any questions, please contact me.

Mrs. Rossman


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