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2021-22 Pandemic Learning Plan Update

Dear Parents/Guardians,

As we look to the start of the 2021-22 school year, we are optimistic that we will soon be able to return to a more "normal" year, at least at some point. The Pandemic Transition Team and the Dimmick Board of Education had worked to develop a plan that we felt provided a safe learning environment for all students, staff, and visitors that was as close to "normal" as we could be while adhering to the CDC, IDPH and ISBE guidelines. With the new mask mandate issued by Governor Pritzker, our plan will need to be adjusted.

At this time, what I can share is that all students will be required to attend in person each day, and we will have a regular, full day schedule in place (8:15am -3:15pm). Remote learning will not be offered unless a student is not eligible for the vaccine and placed under quarantine by the local health department.

While the mask mandate is in place as per executive order by Governor Pritzker, ALL students and staff will be required to wear masks while indoors. Our hope is that once transmission levels in each of our counties reach lower levels and the executive order expires, we will be able to return to our original place which significantly limits masking requirements. The new guidance will minimize those determined to be close contacts ensuring that students can remain in school.

We realize current conditions and Governor Pritzker's most recent executive order are a setback in progress made toward returning to normal; however, if we all do our part we hope we can get back on track soon.

We will continue to make the safety of all students, staff, and visitors our top priority, while ensuring high quality, engaged learning experiences through full day, in-person instruction. Despite the many challenges faced during the 2020-21 school year, we persevered and believe it was a success. We were able to remain in person learning for all but 13 days and had no known cases of COVID-19 transmission within our school. We plan to continue the success of last year and do everything we can to make the 2021-22 school year even better.

Our detailed Pandemic Learning Plan should be ready to share early next week. We appreciate your patience, understanding and support.

Mr. Ryan Linnig



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