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4/1/20 - Update from Mr. Linnig

Dear Parents and Guardians, Yesterday, Governor Pritzker announced that the shelter at home and mandated school closures would be extended through the end of April.  Should there be any changes, we will be sure to keep you informed. 

The initial announcement to close schools designated March 13 through March 30 as Act of God days which will not be made up.  Beginning March 31, we shifted to “Remote Learning” days which will be counted toward student attendance days therefore it is extremely important that ALL students are engaged in the lessons and learning activities their teachers schedule and or assign.

A copy of the Remote Learning Plan is attached and also posted to the District website: .  Please be sure to carefully review the plan so that you understand the expectations throughout these Remote Learning Days.  Please note the Daily Attendance Journal Log should be completed each day by either the student or parent to indicate attendance and participation.  It should only take a few moments to complete. The District office and foyer remains open Monday through Thursday from 8am to 12pm and by appointment.  We strongly encourage you to call first and maintain social distancing guidelines outlines by the CDC.  If you need to get something from your child’s classroom or locker, please call ahead. 

We want to reiterate that Spring Break will remain as scheduled on the school calendar (Saturday, April 4 through Monday, April 13).  Therefore, remote learning expectations will resume on Tuesday, April 14.

For those who are either participating in the Area Bridge Building Competition or have requested materials to construct them as an enrichment activity, bridges may be dropped off at the school during the office hours indicated above through April 30.  If school resumes at that, we will make every attempt to reschedule the event.   If the closure should be extended further, we will work to video the busting of each bridge and post the results/video online.

We also want to encourage parents to share any cool videos they have of their children learning from home or engaging in physical activity so that we can put a variety of activities on the District webpage.  We also want to encourage students and or parents to complete the daily activity log for P.E.

We hope you and your families remain safe and healthy.  Please do not hesitate to reach out if you have any questions or need assistance.  In the words of Robert H. Schuller, "Tough times never last, but tough people do."  Hang in there!  Together we will get through this!


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