The IVCC Dental Health Center (located in the Gym building) provides services Monday, Thursday and Friday from 8-12 for the spring semester. Children 12 and younger are always free!
Available Dental Services: Preventative Dentistry, Comprehensive Exams, X-rays, Oral Cancer Screening, Cleanings, Fluoride, Treatment Planning, School Exams
Call 815-224-0227 or Email
The K-5 and Band Winter Program is Tuesday, December 17 at 6:00PM in the Dimmick Gym. The front doors will open at 5:00PM. If you arrive between 5:00-5:30PM to save seats, please have your child stay with you until 5:30PM as the teachers will not be in their rooms to supervise until then. The front doors will be locked once the program begins at 6:00PM to avoid distractions of people entering the gym in front of the stage. Please be on time. If you arrive after 6:00PM, you will need to enter quietly through door #2 (the double doors on the west side of the gym). We want to ensure that everyone can enjoy the program, so please turn off or silence your cell phones once the program begins. Please be sure to use the restroom before the program begins to minimize distractions during the program. If you must use the restroom after the program begins, please use the locker rooms on the south end of the gym.
The front row will be for the winners of the Premium Reserved Seating and Reserved Parking from the Dimmick PTO raffle at Rips Night. Congratulations to the Hanson's and Seghi's and thank you for your support of the Dimmick PTO.
We look forward to seeing you Tuesday night and wish everyone a happy and healthy holiday season!
Thank you for your continued support of our students, staff and school!
Please remember that tomorrow (12/17) the Student Council pastry order will be delivered. They will be sent home with your child. If you have a large order, please make arrangements to pick them up from the school at dismissal or plan on picking up your child from school at 3:15. Please feel free to contact Mrs. Bazydlo with any questions.
I am reaching out to follow up on the questions raised regarding student expectations and consequences, especially as it relates to extracurricular activities. We have reviewed with the junior high students the importance of following school rules and demonstrating respectful, responsible, and safe behaviors at all times. This must occur in order to ensure that the classroom environment supports high quality, productive, instruction and learning.
Students were informed that with minor reoccurring behaviors, the teacher will give a verbal warning and then issue a neutral if the behavior(s) continue. If after issuing multiple neutrals the behavior(s) has not stopped, the teacher will contact the parent/guardian and inform them that if the behavior continues, the next step will be issuing a detention.
Detentions and or in-school suspension may be issued as a consequence for more serious offenses.
Students were also reminded that a detention would result in a sitting out a minimum of 1 game and an in-school suspension, a minimum of 3 games.
We hope this clears up any misunderstanding or confusion.
-Mr. Linnig
Please see the attached flyer for the Red Devils Little Cheer Camp. Flyers need to be returned to Hall High School. Any questions can be directed to Amanda Banik at
Collaboration and communication between home and school is essential to the academic and social emotional success of all students. We are asking all parents to complete the following short survey. We greatly appreciate your time, support, and feedback!
We are sending out a reminder that tonight is the Dimmick PTO Celebration of Lights at Rotary Park in LaSalle from 5:00-9:00PM. Please come out with family and friends to enjoy the lights and help support the Dimmick PTO. We hope to see you there!
Dear Parents and Guardians,
Unfortunately, cold weather seems to have arrived. Please be sure that your child(ren) are dressed properly for weather conditions. Recess will be outside on most days unless we are experiencing extremely cold temperatures/wind chills, and with the wind out here, it is colder than it may feel at home! When recess is outside, all students will be expected to go out. When the snow falls, students must have winter boots, snow pants, winter coats, gloves and hats to play in the snow. Otherwise, they will be restricted to the paved areas of the playground.
Winter conditions may impact bus transportation. Bus pick up and drop off times will vary when inclement weather is present. Please plan accordingly. We expect our bus drivers to place the safety of the students above all else.
Thank you for your support and cooperation! Have a great day! -Dr. Rossman
Dear Parents and Guardians:
Parent-Teacher Conferences are scheduled for November 25th and 26th this year. Our goal is to have 100% participation from parents/guardians. As you know, communication between home and school is one of the many factors that ensures success for our students.
Our teachers have worked hard to set up their calendars for you to register for the conference times. Please understand that time only permits for one conference per child, so all parents and guardians must come to the same conference time for that child (please coordinate your calendars prior to signing up!).
For those of you that might be new to the district or to 6th to 8th grade, we would like you to know that 6th through 8th grade parents will be assigned a teacher to meet with. That teacher will have feedback from all of the teachers. Should you need to meet with more than one teacher to answer your questions, please comment on the registration, and we will do our best to make that happen. As always, parents can request to meet with “specials” teachers too. Teachers from 6th to 8th grade will send you a link by the end of the week to register for a conference separate from this notice.
Attached is a document to sign up for conferences starting today for K through 5th grade conferences.
We are looking forward to seeing you and showing you the great things happening at Dimmick! Thank you in advance for helping us to reach our goal of 100% parent/guardian participation! You are appreciated!
Yours in education,
Dr. Rossman
I want to reach out and share our appreciation for L-P Township High School and Dr. Wrobleski once again inviting all Dimmick students and staff to join them at L-P for their amazing Veteran's Day Celebration. Each year, we bus the entire student body to L-P to participate in their ceremony. We believe that holding school on Veteran's Day ensures that all of our students experience, learn, and better understand the importance of this day and the reason why we show our respect and honor those in uniform who have sacrificed and served our country. We want to make Veteran's Day purposeful and meaningful and we hope that attending this ceremony will serve to accomplish that objective. Please take some time and talk to your children about the importance of this National Holiday. Thank you all Veteran's for your service! - Mr. Linnig
Bus #2 (Cherry Roue Bus) Will be Delayed This Morning - 10/9/2024 7:35 AM
We were just notified that the Cherry bus route pick up times will be delayed this morning.
Reports being sent home - 10/11/2024 11:17 AM
The Junior High Team is sending home Class Dojo Reports for all 6th-8th grade students today! As a reminder, these reports are used to determine conduct grades on trimester report cards, and they are filled with positive and neutral dojo points. Please take the time to read the comments and discuss them with your child. They need to be signed and returned to school by Wednesday, October 16. Some students are also bringing home progress reports if teachers wanted you to see grades and/or missing work as well. There are still 5 weeks left in the trimester. Let's partner together and bring out the best in each of these kiddos!
Bus stop for route 2 - 10/11/2024 4:15 PM
For those students who use the Cherry Post Office as a bus stop- Please Note: No students are allowed inside the post office at any time. Students should not arrive at the bus stop until 10 minutes before the bus arrives. Dress appropriately for the weather. Follow all other bus rules. Be respectful. Be responsible. Be safe.
Noon Dismissal Wednesday 10/23 but Send Lunch - 10/21/2024 11:39 AM
Reminder- We have a noon dismissal on Wednesday, October 23, but we will have lunch before students go home so please send them with their lunch.